And reverent men and women from afar, and generations that know us not and that we know not of, heart-drawn to see where and by whom great things were suffered and done for them, shall come to this deathless field, to ponder and dream.

north carolina state monument

This Deathless Field is a collection of photographs of, and information about, the over 1,300 monuments, memorials, and historical signage of the Gettysburg National Military Park and surrounding area which relate to the 1863 Gettysburg Campaign. The photographs on this site were taken between March 2005 right up until the present day, with the majority having been taken between 2009 and 2020. Also included are some historic photographs from the William H. Tipton collection that show the battlefield and monuments as they existed during the early days of the park.

There are multiple ways to find a monument and to navigate the site.

  • The master Monument List contains every monument (including flank markers) to the best of my knowledge and is hyperlinked to each monument’s page.
  • The dropdown navigation menus on the right side of the page (assuming you’re on a computer; if you’re on a mobile device, the menus probably won’t be on the right side and will appear instead at the bottom of the page) allow you to find a monument by Type, Location, Sculptor, or State.
  • There are also Order of Battle pages for the Army of the Potomac and Army of Northern Virginia which contain hyperlinks to unit monuments.

In addition to the monuments, this site also includes many photographs of the farms, buildings, and other structures around the park.

Interested in what types of monuments can be found at Gettysburg? Check out the Monument Types and Identification page to learn a little bit about how to identify the various War Department era monuments as well as some of the other memorials you’ll find on the battlefield.

The site itself is a constant work in progress in terms of organization and adding information; I try to work on it a half-an-hour a day and generally succeed most days. As of 2024, I am currently working on the following long-term projects:

  • Adding more battlefield’s farms.
  • Adding the regimental flank markers.
  • Adding more field hospitals from around Adams County.
  • Working on a list of Medal of Honor winners at Gettysburg.
  • Adding more of the area’s famous structures (like the Cashtown Inn and Black Horse Tavern).

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy getting lost in the beauty of Gettysburg and its vast collection of bronze and stone art! If you have comments or questions, or you’d like permission to use my photography, please feel free to contact me.

Poor is the nation that has no heroes, but poorer still is the nation that having heroes, fails to remember and honor them. – Cicero