Alternate Designations: Wild Cat Regiment.
Commander: Col. Calvin A. Craig (Dec. 7, 1833-Aug. 17, 1864).
Numbers: 307; 8 killed, 115 wounded, 9 missing.
Raised: Jefferson, Allegheny, Westmoreland, and Indiana.
Dedicated: Sept. 11, 1889.
Location: Located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Emmitsburg Road and United States Avenue. The location indicates the position held by the 105th prior to retiring on July 2, 1863.
Description: A granite shaft incised at the top with the Third Corps diamond symbol is adorned on the front with a bronze relief plaque depicting a Wild Cat and a bronze relief plaque depicting the state seal. Monument is a 3.3 foot square, rough hewn granite shaft with a cross gable top and set on a 6.6 foot square triple rough hewn base. The shaft has polished inscription panels around the shaft, and a bronze state seal and a bronze relief of a wild cat on the west face. Overall height is 15.4 feet. Flanking marker is one foot square with an apex top.
Fox notes, “The men were mostly from the forest regions, possessing the hardy characteristics and manly traits incidental to mountaineers and lumbermen.”
Army of the Potomac > Third Corps > First Division > First Brigade