Alternate Designations: The Schoolteacher’s Regiment
Commander: Lt. Col. George F. McFarland (1834-1891), wounded; Capt. Walter L. Owens (1840-1912).
Numbers: 467; 51 killed, 211 wounded, 75 missing.
Raised: Berks, Susquehanna, Pike, Warren, and Juniata.
Dedicated July 1, 1888.
Location: West Reynolds Avenue in the east fringe of Herbst Woods. It marks the position held by the 151st Pennsylvania Infantry after 3:00 P.M. on July 1, 1863, when heavily engaged with the 26th North Carolina until the regiment was outflanked and forced to retire to the Seminary area.
Description: The monument consists on a rough-hewn base, pedestal with inscriptions and a bronze relief of the Pennsylvania State Seal, a shaft and a cap. There is a recessed panel in the shaft which contains a relief of three upright, crossed muskets. The cap of the shaft is castellated and contains the 1st Corps disk insignia on all four sides. Made of Fuller New Hampshire Granite. Flanking markers are apex topped, one foot square.
Army of the Potomac > First Corps > Third Division > First Brigade