Alternate Designations: None.
Commander: Lt. Col. Daniel B. Allen (1839-1934).
Numbers: 274; 1 killed, 21 wounded, 178 missing.
Raised: Cattaraugus and Chautauqua.
Dedicated: July 1, 1890.
Location: Coster Avenue off Stratton Street. The monument is located at the position taken by the 154th New York Infantry in a vain attempt to stem the Confederates of Early’s division on the afternoon of July 1, 1863.
Description: The monument is a nine-course structure of Quincy granite which tapers toward the top and stands on a rough-hewn base. The shaft has a castellated, apexed cap with a polished ball at the top. There is a band of stars below the cap. The shaft is rough-hewn and the pedestal between the shaft and base is smooth. There is a round New York State Seal on the center front of the shaft, as well as crescent corps insignia at the bottom. Overall height is 21.2 feet. Flanking markers are one foot square.
There is a marker in Gettysburg to Sgt. Amos Humiston of this regiment.
National Park Service List of Classified Monuments Number: MN50.
Sculptor: Frederick & Field, fabricator.
Army of the Potomac > Eleventh Corps > First Division > Second Brigade