Dedicated: 1910.
Location: East side of the south end of Sedgwick Avenue.
Description: One of 22 Union division monuments that describe the movements and itinerary of each division of the Army of the Potomac. Designed by E. B. Cope and erected by the U.S. War Department. Concrete foundation, Winnsboro (South Carolina) granite monument, bronze inscription tablet. Seven foot tall monolith.
Brig. General Horatio G. Wright
First Brigade Brig. Gen. Alfred T A. Torbert
Second Brigade Brig. Gen. Joseph J. Bartlett
Third Brigade Brig. Gen. David A. Russell
July 2. Arrived about 4 P. M. and 6 P. M. the Second Brigade with the Third Division moved into position. First and Third Brigades were massed and held in reserve.
July 3. The First Brigade placed in line on left centre subject to orders of Gen. Newton commanding First Corps on the right. Third Brigade was sent to the extreme left to Gen. Wright in command there. At 5 P. M. Gen. Wright with his troops moved to the support of Fifth Corps then threatened. The Brigades of the Division then remained in same position during the day and succeeding night.
July 4. The Third Brigade moved to the left of Fifth Corps and occupied the slope of Round Top.
Casualties Killed 1 Man Wounded 17 Men Total 18