Alternate Designations: None.
Commander: Capt. James H. Rigby (1832-1889).
Numbers: 6 Ordnance Rifles; 107 men, no losses.
Raised: Baltimore as part of the Purnell Legion.
Dedicated: Oct. 25, 1888.
Location: Located on Powers Hill once in deep woods, now edge of the woods, north side Granite Schoolhouse Lane. Monument indicates the site occupied by James H. Rigby’s Maryland Battery A on July 2 & 3, 1863.
Description: Monument consists of a rough-hewn base, double monolith and apexed cap. There is a sphere at the top. Reliefs on the front face include a round State Seal and two crossed ordnance tubes. Monument is a two-part stepped smooth cut granite shaft with a pyramid cap that contains a polished sphere and set on a five foot square rough cut base with a tooled edge. The lower part of the shaft has crossed cannons and a regimental symbol incised on the front and an incised inscription on the rear. The upper part has an incised inscription and a bronze medallion. Overall height is 14 feet.
Army of the Potomac > Artillery Reserve > Fourth Volunteer Brigade