1st New Jersey Artillery, Battery A

Alternate Designations: Hexamer’s.

Commander: Lt. Augustin N. Parsons (ca. 1830-?).

Numbers: Six 10-lb Parrotts, 116 men. 2 killed, 7 wounded.

Raised: Hudson.

Dedicated: June 30, 1888.

Location: East side of Hancock Avenue in front of the Pennsylvania Monument. The monument marks the position taken by the Battery on July 3, 1863.

Description:  Square, vertical shaft stands on a low tapered base and is topped with a sphere. Monument is a multi-part granite shaft topped with an incised star rotunda and ball and set on a five foot square base. The shaft has incised inscriptions. Overall height is ten feet.

The bronze tablet with the inscription “Hexamer’s Battery” was added in 1890 to cover incised inscription “Parson’s Battery.”