29th Pennsylvania Infantry

Alternate Designations: Jackson Regiment.

Commander: Col. William Rickards (1824-1900).

Numbers: 485; 15 killed, 43 wounded, 8 missing.

Raised: Philadelphia.

Dedicated: July 11, 1889.

Location: Located on the west side of Slocum Avenue, near Pardee Field.  It indicates the position held and fortified by the 29th Pennsylvania Infantry on the morning of July 2, 1863 and retaken morning July 3, 1863.

Description: Sculpture consists of a shaft, pedestal and two-tiered base. The pedestal and top tier are polished and the bottom tier and most of the shaft are rough-hewn. There are relief muskets on each corner of the shaft. The whole is surmounted by a bronze eagle perching on a bronze sphere over the 12th Corps star insignia. A square relief with the Pennsylvania State Seal is affixed to the pedestal at the front. Monument is a four-part stepped granite shaft topped with a bronze star corps symbol and a soaring eagle on a partial sphere and set on a 5.6 foot rough cut base. It has polished and smooth finished faces with incised inscriptions and a bronze trophy on the lower three parts. The fourth (upper) part of the shaft is rough and smooth cut. Overall height is 16.3 feet.

The eagle from this monument was “borrowed” to cast the eagles on the gate to the National Cemetery along the Taneytown Road.

National Park Service List of Classified Monuments Number: MN346.

Sculptor: John M. Gessler & Sons, fabricator.

Other Monuments: Main Monument | Second Monument

Army of the Potomac > Twelfth Corps > Second Division > Second Brigade