2nd Connecticut Artillery Battery

Alternate Designations: None.

Commander: Capt. John W. Sterling (1826-1881).

Numbers: 4 six-pdr. James Rifles; 2 twelve-pdr. Howitzers; 106 men. 3 wounded, 2 missing.

Raised: Fairfield County.

Dedicated: July 3, 1889 (26th Anniversary of the battle.)

Location: South Hancock Avenue. It marks the approximate position held by McGilvery’s Artillery line on July 3, 1863.

Description: Rectangular monument with hipped cap stands on a rough-hewn base. Decorative relief elements include the Connecticut State Seal, crossed cannon barrels and crossed rammers over a triangular stack of cannon balls. Monument is a stepped two-part granite shaft topped with a hipped peak and set on a 5.5×3.6 foot rough cut base with tooled edges. The lower shaft contains an excised inscription on the front, excised bas-reliefs on three sides with incised inscriptions, and a polished rear with incised inscriptions. Overall height is 6.3 feet.

Army of the Potomac > Artillery Reserve > Second Volunteer Brigade