Dedicated: 1910.
Location: South side of Robinson Avenue at curve.
Description: One of 22 Union division monuments that describe the movements and itinerary of each division of the Army of the Potomac. Designed by E. B. Cope and erected by the U.S. War Department. Concrete foundation, Winnsboro (South Carolina) granite monument, bronze inscription tablet. Seven foot tall monolith.
Brig. General John C. Robinson
First Brigade Brig. Gen. Gabriel Paul
Col. S. H. Leonard
Col. Adrian R. Root
Col. Peter Lyle
Col. R. Coulter
Second Brigade Brig. General H. Baxter
July 1. Arrived at the Seminary about noon hotly engaged on the right and right centre from about 2 P. M. until 4 P. M. when on the advance of Rodes’s Confederate Division against the front and flanks the Division by order the Commanding General retired with the Corps through Gettysburg to Cemetery Hill on the left of the cemetery parallel to Emmitsburg Road.
July 2. Relieved about noon by Third Division Second Corps and placed in reserve and thereafter sent to support of the Third Eleventh and Second Corps at different times and places.
July 3. At daylight moved to the support of batteries on Cemetery Hill. At 9 A. M. sent to the support of Twelfth Corps and at 3 P M. took position on the right of Second Corps and remained until the close of the battle.
Casualties Killed 9 Officers 82 Men Wounded 68 Officers 548 Men Captured or Missing 52 Officers 931 Men Total 1690