Alternate Designations: 59th Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Commander: Col. Richard B. Price (1807-1876).
Numbers: 575; none.
Raised: Philadelphia; Lancaster, Centre, Crawford, Tioga, Armstrong, and Northampton.
Dedicated Sept. 11, 1889.
Location: Located along Meade Avenue (paper street; no longer exists). The Pennsylvania Cavalry monument is located where the regiment was positioned as provost guard on July 3, 1863.
Description: A standing figure of a cavalryman pausing in the midst of reloading his rifle to scan the horizon for the enemy. He holds the rifle in his proper left hand and a bullet in his proper right hand. A sword hangs on his proper left side. The sculpture stands atop a square granite base adorned with bronze plaques depicting the Pennsylvania state seal, the Cavalry Corps insignia, and the army emblem. A left flank marker is located just to the south of the monument. Monument is a tapered three-part granite shaft topped with a bronze statue of a dismounted and standing trooper loading his carbine. The center part of the shaft is polished granite with a bronze bas-relief tablet, details on two sides, and incised inscriptions on all sides. The monument rests on a four foot square rough cut base. Flanking marker on the left is one foot square.
National Park Service List of Classified Monuments Number: MN242.
Sculptor: Ellicott, Henry Jackson, 1848-1901, sculptor.