Dedicated: August 23, 1901.
Location: Taneytown, Maryland. Original location was “at Taneytown Maryland in front of the high school above the town.”
Description: Cast iron tablet mounted on a fluted cast iron post . Inscription is painted in a contrasting color.
Headquarters Army of the Potomac moved from Middleburg to Taneytown. First Corps marched from Emmitsburg to Marsh Run, Third Corps from Taneytown to Bridgeport, Fifth Corps from Liberty via Johnsville Union Bridge and Union to Union Mills, Sixth Corps from New Windsor to Manchester, Twelfth Corps from Taneytown and Bruceville to Littlestown, First and Second Brigades First Cavalry Division from near Fairfield via Emmitsburg to Gettysburg Second Cavalry Division from New Windsor to Westminster and thence to Manchester, Third Cavalry Division from Littlestown to Hanover, and the Artillery Reserve from Bruceville to Taneytown.
Fight at Hanover Pa. and skirmishes at Westminster Md. and at Fairfield and Sporting Hill near Harrisburg Pa.
Related Monuments: AOP Campaign Tablets.