34th Pennsylvania Infantry – 5th Pennsylvania Reserves

Alternate Designations: Fifth Reserves.

Commander: Lt. Col. George Dare (1836-May 6, 1864).

Numbers: 334; 2 wounded.

Raised: Lycoming, Northumberland, Huingtdon, Clearfield, Union, Centre, Bradford, Lancaster.

Dedicated: Sept. 1890.

Location: Summit of Big Round Top. It indicates the position held by 5th Pennsylvania Reserves from the night of July 2, 1863 to the close of the battle in which they protected the Federal left.

Description: Cylindric monument with pyramidal top stands on round rough-hewn base. A sculpted oak-leaf wreath is draped at the top, and a square relief of the State Seal is affixed to the base, in front. Monument is large, cylindrical granite shaft with a conical top set on a seventeen foot circumference, circular rough hewn base. The shaft has inscriptions and a carved oak-leaf wreath draped at the top. The base has a bronze state coat of arms on the west side. Overall height is 11 feet. Flanking markers are one foot square with apex tops.

National Park Service List of Classified Monuments Number: MN375.

Sculptor: Smith Granite Company, fabricator.

Army of the Potomac > Fifth Corps > Third Division > Third Brigade