4th United States Artillery, Battery K

Alternate Designations: De Russy’s

Commander: Lt. Francis W. Seeley (1837-1910), wounded; Lt. Robert James (ca. 1836-?).

Numbers: Six 12-lb Napoleons, 134 men.

Raised: New York City and Suffolk County, Massachusetts. At Gettysburg, 60 volunteers from the 120th New York were attached to the battery. Organized in 1838; was at Ft. Ridgley, Minnesota in 1861.

Erected between 1907 and 1908.

Location: Located on East side of Emmitsburg Road, South of Klingel Farm.  Locates positions occupied by Seeley’s Battery K, 4th US during Battle of Gettysburg, July 2, 1863.

Description:  One of 45 monuments erected to units of the United States regular army on the battlefield. A red polished Jonesboro granite monolith that is set upon a concrete foundation with a descriptive 3’6’x3’7′ bronze tablet with the coat of arms of the United States in bronze. Inscription:

Army of the Potomac
Third Corps
Artillery Brigade

Battery K Fourth U. S. Artillery

Six 12 Pounders
Lieut. Francis W. Seely commanding

July 1 Arrived at night and encamped in a field south of the town between the Emmitsburg and Taneytown Roads.

July 2 Went into position at 4 p.m. on the right of Smith’s log house on Emmitsburg Road with Brig. General A.A. Humphreys’s Division Third Corps and soon took position on the left of the log house and at the left of an apple orchard and opened fire on the Confederate infantry as it began to advance.

Hotly engaged with the Confederate infantry and artillery in front on the line from the Evergreen Cemetery to Little Round Top. Lieut. Seeley having been wounded the command devolved on Lieut. Robert James.

July 3 Remained in the position of the previous night

Casualties: Killed 2 men; wounded 1 officer and 18 men; missing 4 men. Lost and disabled 28 horses.

Army of the Potomac > Third Corps > Artillery Brigade