Alternate Designations: None.
Commander: Col. William R. Creighton (June 1837-Nov. 27, 1863).
Numbers: 293; 1 killed, 17 wounded.
Raised: Cuyahoga, Portage, Lorain, Lake, Huron, Trumbull, and Mahoning.
Dedicated: Sept. 14, 1887.
Location: Located on the east side of Slocum Avenue, near its junction with Williams Avenue. Indicates position held Morning July 2, 1863 to July 3, 1863. The regiment reputedly responsible for killing Confederate staff officer Maj. Benjamin Watkins Leigh on July 3.
Description: Vertical monument have mostly rough-hewn surfaces and an apexed top. There is a polished inscription stone on each side. On two faces, towards the top, are State Seal and unit reliefs. A relief of crossed muskets with a wreath in the center is on the lower front sloped surface. A Corps star insignia appears on the top of the front inscription tablet. Monument is a two-part red western granite shaft with a pyramid top set on an eight foot square jointed rough cut base. The shaft is coursed rough cut stone that contains smooth finishes and polished tablets, and castellated design. The lower part of the shaft has two bronze medallions on the upper part. Flanking markers are 1.2 foot square.
Fox notes of the Seventh that it was “One of the finest regiments in the service. It was raised in Northern Ohio, with rendezvous at Cleveland, and was composed of exceptionally good material. Its ranks included men of culture and good social position,–clergymen, students, teachers, bankers, farmers, and mechanics.”
National Park Service List of Classified Monuments Number: MN325.
Sculptor: Smith Granite Company, fabricator.
Army of the Potomac > Twelfth Corps > Second Division > First Brigade