Dedicated: 1880.
Location: The Wheatfield; located on the Wheatfield Road.
Description: Gravestone-sized granite monolith marker with an inscription cut into the north face. Overall height is 18 inches. Inscription is cut into the north side. Marker was originally erected to mark the spot where Merwin fell; that spot is now occupied by regimental monument to the 27th Connecticut in the middle of the Wheatfield. One of the earliest monuments erected in the park, dating to 1880. It was moved in 1897 and again in 1987. (The monument was recut to reference the monument in the center of the Wheatfield circa 1897.)
About Lieut. Col. Henry Czar Merwin
Henry Merwin was born on September 17, 1839 in Brookfield, Connecticut. At the beginning of the war he was in business in New Haven with his father and brother, and was a member of the New Haven Grays militia group. Merwin raised and was named captain of what became Company A of the 27th Connecticut Infantry Regiment. He was quickly elected to be the regiment’s lieutenant colonel, and served through Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, where he was captured along with much of the regiment.
Merwin was killed at Gettysburg where the 27th Connecticut’s monument now stands in the center of the Wheatfield. His body was recovered, and he was buried in Grove Street Cemetery in New Haven, Connecticut.