Eleventh Corps, Army of the Potomac Monument

Dedicated: December 1906.

Location: Located South side West Howard Avenue, Southwest of Carlisle Road.

Description: A rectangular granite monument, with a large bronze tablets thereon, describing the engagements and movements of each army corps.


Major General Oliver 0. Howard

First Division Brigadier General Francis C. Barlow
Brigadier General Adelbert Ames
Second Division Brigadier General Adolph Von Steinwehr
Third Division Major General Carl Schurz
Artillery Brigade Major Thomas W. Osborn

July 1. Schurz’s Division in advance arrived at 10.30 A. M. was formed in line northwest of the town. Barlow’s Division formed on Schurz’s right. Steinwehr’s Division was placed on Cemetery Hill. The line in front was attacked by brigades of Rodes’s and Early’s Divisions. About 4 P. M. the Corps was forced back and retired through the town to Cemetery Hill and formed on each side of the Baltimore Pike.

July 2. The Corps remained in the same position until about 4 P. M. when the Confederate artillery opened fire from Benner’s Hill and Cemetery Ridge but was silenced by artillery under Colonel Wainright and Major Osborn. At 8 P. M. Hays’s Louisiana and Hoke’s North Carolina Brigades attacked the position on East Cemetery Hill but were repulsed.

July 3. At 1 P. M. all the Confederate artillery within direct range opened fire on this position which was followed by an unsuccessful charge on the 2d. Corps position.

Casualties Killed 33 Officers 336 Men Wounded 120 Officers 1802 Men Captured or Missing 62 Officers 1448 Men Total 3801

Army of the Potomac > Eleventh Corps