3rd New York Independent Artillery Battery

Alternate Designations: None.

Commander: Capt. William A. Harn (1834-1889).

Numbers: Six 10-lb Parrotts, 119 men. No losses.

Raised: New York City.

Dedicated: July 3, 1888.

Location:  Taneytown Road, south of cemetery wall. It indicates the position to which the 3rd New York Independent Battery was ordered on July 3, 1863.

Description: Smooth and rough-hewn marker of Westerly granite includes a State Seal in relief on the front face and the Greek Cross insignia of the Corps on the front and back. Other relief items include cannonballs and sponge and rammer.

National Park Service List of Classified Monuments Number: MN280.

Sculptor: Smith Granite Company, fabricator.

Army of the Potomac > Sixth Corps > Artillery Brigade