125th New York Infantry

Alternate Designations: None.

Commander: Lt. Col. Levin Crandell (1826-1907).

Numbers: 500; 26 killed, 104 wounded, 9 missing.

Raised: Rensselear County

Dedicated Oct. 3, 1888.

Location: Located on the east side of north Hancock Avenue. The monument marks the position held by the regiment on July 2nd and 3rd, 1863.

Description: A rectangular Quincy granite monument carved at the top with a trefoil symbol is adorned on the front with a round bronze relief plaque depicting the state seal. Monument has a stepped granite shaft of which the upper part is polished and topped with a clover leaf insignia, and set on a stepped base with the bottom step 9×6.8 foot. Upper part of the shaft has excised inscription above a medallion on one side and a bronze tablet on the opposite face. Flanking markers are one foot square. This monument has not been moved since it was first place; however, the bronze inscription plaque was added in 1902 by the Regimental Committee after permission was granted by the Secretary of War to do so in 1897.

National Park Service List of Classified Monuments Number: MN214.

Sculptor: Frederick & Field, fabricator.

Army of the Potomac > Second Corps > Third Division > Third Brigade