Delaware State Monument

Dedicated: 2000.

Location: Taneytown Road near the old Cyclorama Building.

Description: An 11 x 8 ft. foundation that rises into a pillar of Vermont granite adorned on the front with a bronze relief plaque depicting Delaware’s First Regiment repelling Pickett’s Charge on Cemetery Ridge. On the back of the stone is a bronze inscription plaque listing 691 Union soldiers from Delaware. At the base of the memorial is an inscription memorializing both the Union and Confederate soldiers who fought at Gettysburg. The memorial was installed by the Delaware Civil War Society, a non-profit group formed with the intent of establishing a memorial to honor of those from Delaware who fought at Gettysburg. The total cost of the memorial was about $200,000. The Vermont granite foundation was designed by Richard Dayton of Homsey Architecture. Designed by Ron Tunison.

Monument Details