Dedicated: Finished in August 1914. The locations were noted with wooden stakes in 1901.
Location: The 11th Corps hospital monument is located on the Hospital Road, 700 feet east of the George Spangler house. Placed near actual sites of 11th US Corps Field Hospitals. Hospitals were established July 1. Located on west side of Blacksmith Shop Road at George Spangler Lane.
The 11th Corps field hospital was located at the George Spangler Farm. This property was recently purchased by the Gettysburg Battlefield and is in the process of being rehabilitated. General Barlow was treated here, and General Armistead, mortally wounded in Pickett’s Charge, eventually died here.
Description: Rough-hewn granite monolith with a bronze tablet shaped like a Maltese cross mounted on slanted face.
Army of the Potomac
Medical Department
Field Hospitals
Eleventh Corps
The Division Field Hospitals of the Eleventh Corps were established July 1st at the Spangler House two hundred and thirty yards west of this point. Many of the wounded of this Corps were also cared for at the County Almshouse, Pennsylvania College, and in Gettysburg. The Division Hospitals were consolidated into a Corps Hospital about July 6th as were those of all the Corps and the Corps Hospitals continued in operation until the first week of August 1863. These hospitals cared for 1400 wounded.
Medical Director 11th Corps Surgeon George Suckley U.S. Volunteers
1st Division Surgeon Louis G. Meyer 25th Ohio Infantry
2nd Division Surgeon D.G. Brinton U.S. Volunteers
3rd Division Surgeon W.H. Thome U.S. Volunteers
Medical Officer in charge of the Corps Hospitals Surgeon J.A. Armstrong 75th Penna. Infantry