Custer’s Brigade Monument (C-3-2)

Location: Custer Avenue, East Cavalry Field.

Description: Erected 1912. One of 74 Union brigade monuments erected at Gettysburg by the United States War Department to describe the movements and itinerary of each Union brigade of the Army of the Potomac. The monuments were designed by E.B. Cope. Many of the inscription tablets were made of bronze melted down from Civil War cannons. The pedestal consists of sea-green granite with a square base. Base tapers to a smaller dimension at the tablet. On each pedestal is mounted a bronze inscription tablet describing the movements and actions of the unit.


Brig. Gen. George A. Custer
1st 5th 6th 7th (10 Cos.) Michigan Cavalry

June 30. Skirmished with Major Gen. Stuart’s Cavalry at Hanover. Supported Battery M 2D U. S.

July 1. Not engaged.

July 2. Engaged with Brig. Gen. Hampton’s Brigade of Major Gen. Stuart’s Cavalry at Hunterstown and with the aid of Battery M 2D U. S. forced it from the field. The 7th Michigan dismounted as skirmishers.

July 3. Marched to Two Taverns arriving at daylight and at 8 A. M. moved to the right under orders to report to Brig. Gen. D. McM. Gregg. Took position north of the Hanover road and West of the Low Dutch Road Second Division coming up and connecting on the left. Soon after noon was ordered to join the Division on the extreme left but about 2 P. M. Major Gen. Stuart’s Division and Brig. Gen. Jenkins’ Brigade of Cavalry having been discovered on the right and front Brig. Gen. Custer under orders from Brig. Gen. D. McM. Gregg turned back his Brigade and with First Brigade Second Division was immediately engaged with the Confederate forces which were repulsed and forced from the field. Late in the day moved to the extreme left and rejoined the Division.

Casualties Killed 1 Officer 31 Men Wounded 13 Officers 134 Men Captured or Missing 78 Men Total 257

Army of the Potomac > Cavalry Corps > Third Division > Second Brigade