Dedicated: Finished in August 1914. The locations were noted with wooden stakes in 1901.
Location: Located on south side of York Pike. The site chosen for the hospital camp after the battle of Gettysburg was the George Wolf Farm, roughly one and one-half miles east of Gettysburg on the York Pike. This area has now been almost totally commercially developed.
Description: Rough-hewn granite monolith with a bronze tablet shaped like a Maltese cross mounted on slanted face.
Army of the Potomac
Medical Department
Location of the Field Hospitals
During the Battle of Gettysburg
1st Corps – July 1st at the Lutheran Theological Seminary and in Gettysburg
July 2nd near White Church on Baltimore Pike
2nd Corps – July 2nd on east and west side of Rock Creek east of the Bushman House
3rd Corps – July 2nd on Taneytown Road and soon removed to an angle formed by White Run and Rock Creek
5th Corps – July 2nd on Taneytown Road west of Round Top
July 3rd near Two Taverns
6th Corps – At the Trostle House east of Rock Creek
11th Corps – At the Spangler House southeast of the Granite Schoolhouse
12th Corps – At the Bushman House near Rock Creek
Cavalry Corps – At Presbyterian Church and other buildings in Gettysburg
General Hospital Camp Letterman at the Hospital Woods on the York Pike. These hospitals cared for twenty thousand wounded Union and Confederate.
Medical director of the Army of the Potomac Surgeon Jonathan Letterman, U.S. Army.