Hummelbaugh Farm

The Hummelbaugh Farm is located just off the Taneytown Road, along post-battle Pleasanton Avenue. The house and barn were constructed in the 1840s and served as General Hancock’s headquarters during the battle; later, General Pleasanton had his headquarters here on July 4-6, 1863. The farm was 15 acres in size and was owned during the battle by Jacob Hummelbaugh. Its barn served as a hospital for about 100 soldiers and Confederate General William Barksdale is said to have died here and was among several Confederates buried for a time in the yard. The rest of the farm structures were also used by the troops and suffered various amounts of damage. The house was constructed during the 1840s and was originally a log one story house.

The Hummelbaugh Farm is Union Hospital #3 on the Adams County Historical Society’s tour of field hospitals.