Location: East Cavalry Field south side of Gregg Avenue.
Description: Erected 1912. One of 74 Union brigade monuments erected at Gettysburg by the United States War Department to describe the movements and itinerary of each Union brigade of the Army of the Potomac. The monuments were designed by E.B. Cope. Many of the inscription tablets were made of bronze melted down from Civil War cannons. The pedestal consists of sea-green granite with a square base. Base tapers to a smaller dimension at the tablet. On each pedestal is mounted a bronze inscription tablet describing the movements and actions of the unit.
Col. John B. McIntosh
1st MD. (11 Cos.) Purnell Legion 1st Mass. Co. A
1st NewJersey 1st 3rd Penna. Cavalry
Section Battery H 3rd Penna. H. Artillery
July 2. After an exhausting march took position about noon on Hanover Road near intersection with Low Dutch Road Third Brigade on left. During the afternoon there was a skirmish between 3D Penna. Purnell Legion 1st New Jersey and Section Battery H Penna. H. A. and 2D Virginia Infantry for the possession of Brinkerhoff Ridge. About 10 P. M. the line was withdrawn and with third Brigade bivouacked on Baltimore Pike nearly a mile east of Rock Creek Bridge. 1st Mass. with Sixth Corps.
July 3. Returning in the morning and finding Second Brigade Third Division in position of the day before the Brigade formed on left of Second Brigade Third Division and soon after noon relieved it. About 2 P. M. a large Confederate force having been observed Brig. Gen. D. McM. Gregg ordered Second Brigade Third Division to return and the Brigade with Second Brigade Third Division was soon engaged with Major Gen. Stuart’s command. About 3 P. M. Brig. Gen. Hampton’s and Brig. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee’s Brigades the reserves which had been concealed on the Stallsmith Farm emerged from the woods in front and charged but were repulsed with the aid of Artillery.
Casualties Wounded 7 Officers 19 Men Captured or Missing 9 Men Total 35
Army of the Potomac > Cavalry Corps > Second Division > First Brigade