Pennsylvania Independent Artillery Battery C

Alternate Designations: Batteries C and F, 1st Pennsylvania, were consolidated at Gettysburg. This monument honors the men of Battery C, known as Thompson’s.

Commander: Capt. James Thompson (1821-1906).

Numbers: 6 Ordnance Rifles, 105 men. 2 killed, 23 wounded, 3 missing.

Raised: Allegheny County

Installed between 1886 and 1893.

Location: Peach orchard, south of Wheatfield Road and east of Emmitsburg Road. It indicates the position held by Thompson’s Battery between 5:00 and 6:00 P.M. on July 2, 1863.

Description: A draped cannon stands on a rough-hewn base. Cannon balls and other accouterments are visible amid the drapery and behind the cannon’s wheel. A bronze State Seal is affixed to the lower half of the wheel. Monument is a sculptured likeness of a granite cannon draped with cloth and surrounded with balls set on a rough hewn base. The cloth on the west side of the cannon is polished and incised with an inscription. The east side of the cloth contains an inscription and bronze tablet with the state seal. Overall height is six feet. A cannon is set on the east and west sides of the monument.

Other Monuments: Battery C | Battery F | Consolidated C & F

Army of the Potomac > Artillery Reserve > First Volunteer Brigade