Dedicated: December 19, 1910.
Location: Located on east side of East Confederate Avenue, adjoining Spangler Meadow.
Description: One of 64 Confederate brigade monuments. Monolith consisting of polished smooth red Maine granite pedestal with a circular base. On each pedestal is mounted a bronze inscription tablet describing the movements and actions of the unit. Erected by the U.S. War Department and designed by E.B. Cope. They indicate the general location of the centers of the various Confederate brigades and artillery battalions during several phases of the battle. Bronze from melted Civil War cannons was used to create many of the inscription tablets.
C. S. A.
31st 49th 52nd Virginia Infantry
July 3. The Brigade having been detached two days guarding York Pike and other roads against the reported approach of Union Cavalry was ordered to Culp’s Hill to reinforce Johnson’s Division. Arriving early formed in line along this stone wall receiving and returning fire of Infantry and sharpshooters in the woods opposite and being subjected to heavy fire of Artillery. It repulsed the charge of the 2nd Massachusetts and 27th Indiana Regiments against this line and held its ground until the Union forces regained their works on the hill. It then moved to a position further up the creek and during the night marched to Seminary Ridge where it rejoined Early’s Division.
July 4. Occupied Seminary Ridge. After midnight began the march to Hagerstown.
Present about 800 Killed 12 Wounded 113 Missing 17 Total 142
Army of Northern Virginia > Ewell’s Corps > Early’s Division > Smith’s Brigade