Dedicated: 1907.
Location: Located West of Gettysburg, on North side of Fairfield Road at Black Horse Tavern.
Description: Marks position of McLaw’s and Pickett’s Division on July 1 & 2. Cast iron tablet with raised inscription painted in contrasting color, mounted on fluted cast iron post. 4’4″ high; tablet 3.8 x 3.4 feet; inscription narrates events associated with Division during Battle. Cast by C. Gilbert.
Army of Northern Virginia
Longstreet’s Corps
McLaws’s and Pickett’s Divisions
July 1 McLaws’s Division arrived late in the day and camped in this vicinity.
July 2 In the morning McLaws’s Division moved on the road towards Gettysburg but turning to the right half mile this side of Willoughby Run and crossing that stream lower down formed line as marked on the Battlefield. Pickett’s Division marched by this place in the afternoon but followed the other road with some deflections to avoid being seen by the Union Signal Corps and crossing Willoughby Run lay that night in the west side of Spangler’s Woods.
Other Monuments: McLaws’ Division Main | Pickett’s Division Main | Position Marker