The Monuments and Memorials of the Gettysburg Campaign
16th Maine Infantry
Alternate Designations: None.
Commander: Col. Charles W. Tilden (1832-1914), captured on July 1; Capt. Daniel Marston (1813-1891).
Numbers: 311; 9 killed, 59 wounded, 164 missing.
Raised: Cumberland, Oxford, Franklin, York, and Androscoggin
Dedicated Oct. 3, 1889.
Location: Oak Ridge, west side of Doubleday Avenue. Monument indicates the first position held by the 16th Maine Infantry on July 1, 1863.
Description: Obelisk stands on low square base. There are reliefs on three sides, including a state coat of arms, draped flags, state seal, and corps insignia within an oak and laurel wreath.